How Fran Cronin Made Solar Work for Her

October, 23 2018

Fran Cronin, Cambridge MA

Fran Cronin, Cambridge MA

I want to be completely self-sustaining, I’m not there yet, but Resonant helped me get a little bit closer.
— Fran Cronin

Resonant Energy: How did you originally become interested in solar energy?

Fran Cronin: I became interested in solar early on. Years ago I had a number of providers talk to me, but the process always felt confusing. It was daunting to find a price that would work for me. Without support, I did not feel comfortable on my own making a good qualitative and financial comparison between the options.

It was very frustrating because I wanted to go solar but the tax credits didn't work for me and the upfront cost didn't work for me either. I needed somebody to really help me through the process, and find a financial option that worked for me.

RE: How did you get connected with Resonant Energy?

FC: I had given up on solar for a while, but then a close friend of mine became determined that I would go solar. Unfortunately, I still couldn't afford the upfront cost. My friend did some research and found Resonant Energy because of the Solar Access Program.

RE: What advice do you have for other people looking into going solar?

FC: Finding the right vendor was the hardest part. Once you find the right partner the whole process becomes a lot easier! Resonant Energy coordinated great installers, they were very considerate. Resonant also found other financiers to cover all the upfront cost, so I didn’t have to pay anything for the array. Once the financing was correct, I could actually make solar work for me.

RE: How have you seen solar impact your community?

FC: There have been a lot of solar projects in and around Somerville and Cambridge, but we haven’t done enough. Boston just got nailed on the new construction, the new buildings have terrible energy efficiency. I think we need better public policy to support residential developers and incentives to create sustainable construction.

I would like all my neighbors to go solar, but I know it’s still difficult for a lots of people to make that decision. That’s why we need more programs like the Solar Access Program* that help bring solar power to the urban setting.

*The Solar Access Program is Resonant Energy's flagship solar program designed to make solar affordable and accessible to everyone. It's a no-cost rooftop hosting program that doesn't require any tax appetite or credit score requirements. Learn more here