Solar Helping Ignite Neighborhood Economies (SHINE)
SHINE helps solar do more for underinvested communities in Boston through solar jobs, household electricity savings, and savings for community benefit organizations who host solar.
For Host Sites
Potential host sites could include:
Community centers
Nonprofit Office Buildings
Houses of Worship
Shelters/Food Banks
YMCA’s/Boys and Girls Clubs
Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation
Mujeres Unidas Avanzando | Fields Corner
Generate significant electricity savings for your organization and community members
Support workforce development in your neighborhood
Access grant funding to extend the benefits of your solar array to your community
Increase access to solar energy for low-income households in your community
Receive up to a 50% federal rebate on the cost of your solar array for participating in community solar
Second Church | Codman Square
Pine Street Inn | South End
For Residents
Solar Savings for Low-Income Households
Residents can expect to save 20% on their electricity bills
Shared solar reduces demand for fossil fuels helping your neighborhood become environmentally just
Solar Job Training
13 Week Solar Technician Job Training Program
Learn life skills, construction skills, and prepare for certification (NABCEP & OSHA 30)
Must be able to lift 50 pounds and climb a ladder