Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

DEI Mission Statement

Resonant Energy's mission is to empower environmental justice communities by developing solar and storage projects for nonprofits, affordable housing, and homeowners. We recognize historical injustices that have excluded these communities from clean energy opportunities and aim to leverage the changing energy economy to shift power and opportunity balance. Through a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), we prioritize equitable representation within our team, advocate for policy changes, foster authentic community relationships, and ensure accountability through ongoing learning and transparency.

Why is DEI a vital part of our work

In our community

Climate change is an intersectional threat that disproportionately impacts minority populations and we believe that we can best support our clients in these communities with a team of diverse backgrounds and experiences. We aim to build a team that reflects the diverse cultural, socioeconomic, and educational backgrounds present within the greater Boston area so we can better understand the goals and challenges of our community.

In our industry

Minority populations have been historically underrepresented within the solar industry. Through our DEI work and workforce development commitments, we’re striving to create opportunities for underrepresented groups and build a stronger, more inclusive and resilient solar industry.

In our team

We value the backgrounds and lived experiences of our team members and the creativity and expertise that these differences bring to our work. Through our DEI work, we hope to create a comfortable and safe work environment for employees of all backgrounds.

Our Ongoing DEI Initiatives

  • Established DEI Working Group that meets biweekly

  • Began surveying employees quarterly on DEI experience to better understand their needs and establish a benchmark to measure and further progress policies meant to improve employee experience

  • Continuing commitment to learning through regular facilitated DEI trainings for our team

(updated Spring 2024)

Languages we speak:

  • French

  • German

  • Kriolu - Cape Verdean Creole

  • Hindi

  • Mandarin 

  • Marathi

  • Oriya

DEI Collaboration Partners