Commercial Solar

Solar is one of the best ways for businesses to improve their bottom line while demonstrating their commitment to the environment. Whether you want to invest in your solar panels and benefit from generous state and federal tax incentives or go with a no-cost solar solution, Resonant Energy is here to guide you through the process. We package turnkey financing and competitive procurement to help you take full advantage of accelerated depreciation. Resonant Energy assigns every commercial client a dedicated project manager to make your process of going solar hassle-free from start to finish. 

Option 1: Direct purchase

  • Direct ownership of panels

  • Receive the full suite of state and federal incentives for owning solar panels, worth more than 30% of the total cost of the system

  • Most financially beneficial option in the long run

Option 2: Power purchase agreement (PPA)

  • Solar electricity sold at least 10% lower than prevailing electricity rates

  • No upfront cost

  • Predictable, locked-in price of electricity

Find out more about a Power Purchase Agreement here.

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Get Started!

To find out which program works best for you and your solar potential, contact us today for a free evaluation